The home automation sector is extremely varied from a product point of view. They range from devices linked to the world of entertainment - including audio, video, cooking, hobbies - through to the world dedicated to home security (of which we have explored the characteristics and market in detail in this article), arriving at home automation that affects the side “living” of the home. This is a series of devices aimed at making the management of some basic aspects for a good quality of life smart. We talk - in particular - about climate, ventilation, lighting, water and gas supply.
Home automation possibilities in home management
There are many possibilities relating to home automation to manage the home and significantly reduce energy consumption. The climate control, for example, is made efficient by the home automation system which, by managing air circulation, prevents waste, but also the formation of mold and humidity, thanks to the detection - and therefore memorization - of the lifestyle habits of the inhabitants of the house.
The temperatures can be set in a completely personalized way, ensuring that air conditioning and heating are automatically adjusted in relation to the context and the presence of the inhabitants. The temperature settings they can be coordinated with the rest of the home automation devices, to guarantee more than significant savings.
We are talking, for example, about all those devices designed to bring shade into the home, thus preserving the environment from the sun's rays and subsequent heating of the temperature. Shutters, curtains And shuttersIn fact, they can be programmed to close at specific times and keep the house cool, ensuring maximum efficiency. To assist these aspects, home automation ventilation devices guarantee the rooms the correct air exchange, contributing to the optimal regulation of temperatures.
The topic of lighting involves various strengths. First of all i motion sensors they can detect when an area of the house is not populated by its inhabitants and therefore intervene by turning off the lights. Furthermore, the lighting can be programmed to perfectly match the lighting conditions of the living context, limiting waste and proposing the most suitable lighting at various stages of the day.
An interesting perspective, connected todomestic supply of water and gass, is to modulate its circulation in relation to preferred times. Through home automation controls for the valves, for example, it is possible to set automations that regulate flows – opening or closing them – based on the presence of the inhabitants in the house and a specific time slot. A more specific discussion is that of garden sprinklers which, coordinated by the wifi control unit and via smartphone, allow you to take care of the greenery without waste.
Home automation and energy saving
Calculating the energy savings - and the bill - of a home that uses home automation technologies clearly depends on a variety of factors, such as energy waste in the absence of home automation systems, the integration of mechanisms with photovoltaics and similar technologies. In fact, they range from basic energy savings that are around 20% to really significant savings which can also touch the 60%.
Two very interesting elements, in this regard, are the command “all out” and the approach to “phantom consumption”. The first case, as can be understood, includes all those cases in which no one is present in the home environment and, through the home automation system, you make sure that all electronic devices are not turned on, turning them off if they are not. .
Attached is the discussion on "phantom consumption", i.e. the energy consumed by devices connected but turned off: it is noted that this waste of energy affects the bill for approximately the 10% of the total. Let's think about the microwave oven, the washing machine, the coffee machine which in a house with a home automation system can be "disconnected" from the stand-by mode, effectively interrupting consumption.
The success of home automation in international and Italian markets
In economic-productive terms, home automation presents itself as a field in flourishing development, also in terms of future prospects. Thanks to research conducted byInternet of Things Observatory of the School of Management of the Polytechnic of MilanIn fact, it has been found that - to date - the percentage of users who own at least one home automation technology has grown, reaching 43%.
In the two-year period 2020-2021, both at a national and global level, the home automation market has solidly resisted the critical issues arising from the pandemic. The Italian market managed to close 2020 with a balance of 505 million euros, in line with the Spanish market.
In Spain, in fact, the year closed steadily at 420 million, while in France there was growth in 3% with a value of 1.1 billion. Germany and the United Kingdom maintained clear growth, with a increase in 16% and 10% on the previous year.
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